Entities in Minecraft

Area Effect CloudOther6 blocks0.5 blocks
Armor StandLiving0.5 blocks1.975 blocks
ArrowProjectile0.5 blocks0.5 blocks
AxolotlAnimal0.75 blocks0.42 blocks
BatAmbient0.5 blocks0.9 blocks
BeeAnimal0.7 blocks0.6 blocks
BlazeHostile0.6 blocks1.8 blocks
BoatOther1.375 blocks0.5625 blocks
CatAnimal0.6 blocks0.7 blocks
Cave SpiderHostile0.7 blocks0.5 blocks
ChickenAnimal0.4 blocks0.7 blocks
CodWater Creature0.5 blocks0.3 blocks
CowAnimal0.9 blocks1.4 blocks
CreeperHostile0.6 blocks1.7 blocks
DolphinWater Creature0.9 blocks0.6 blocks
DonkeyAnimal1.39648 blocks1.5 blocks
Dragon FireballProjectile1 blocks1 blocks
DrownedHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
Elder GuardianHostile1.9975 blocks1.9975 blocks
End CrystalOther2 blocks2 blocks
Ender DragonMob16 blocks8 blocks
EndermanHostile0.6 blocks2.9 blocks
EndermiteHostile0.4 blocks0.3 blocks
EvokerHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
Evoker FangsOther0.5 blocks0.8 blocks
Experience OrbOther0.5 blocks0.5 blocks
Eye of EnderOther0.25 blocks0.25 blocks
Falling BlockOther0.98 blocks0.98 blocks
Firework RocketProjectile0.25 blocks0.25 blocks
FoxAnimal0.6 blocks0.7 blocks
GhastMob4 blocks4 blocks
GiantHostile3.6 blocks12 blocks
Glow Item FrameOther0.5 blocks0.5 blocks
Glow SquidWater Creature0.8 blocks0.8 blocks
GoatAnimal0.9 blocks1.3 blocks
GuardianHostile0.85 blocks0.85 blocks
HoglinAnimal1.39648 blocks1.4 blocks
HorseAnimal1.39648 blocks1.6 blocks
HuskHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
IllusionerHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
Iron GolemMob1.4 blocks2.7 blocks
ItemOther0.25 blocks0.25 blocks
Item FrameOther0.5 blocks0.5 blocks
FireballProjectile1 blocks1 blocks
Leash KnotOther0.375 blocks0.5 blocks
Lightning BoltOther0 blocks0 blocks
LlamaAnimal0.9 blocks1.87 blocks
Llama SpitProjectile0.25 blocks0.25 blocks
Magma CubeMob2.04 blocks2.04 blocks
MarkerOther0 blocks0 blocks
MinecartOther0.98 blocks0.7 blocks
Minecart with ChestOther0.98 blocks0.7 blocks
Minecart with Command BlockOther0.98 blocks0.7 blocks
Minecart with FurnaceOther0.98 blocks0.7 blocks
Minecart with HopperOther0.98 blocks0.7 blocks
Minecart with SpawnerOther0.98 blocks0.7 blocks
Minecart with TNTOther0.98 blocks0.7 blocks
MuleAnimal1.39648 blocks1.6 blocks
MooshroomAnimal0.9 blocks1.4 blocks
OcelotAnimal0.6 blocks0.7 blocks
PaintingOther0.5 blocks0.5 blocks
PandaAnimal1.3 blocks1.25 blocks
ParrotAnimal0.5 blocks0.9 blocks
PhantomMob0.9 blocks0.5 blocks
PigAnimal0.9 blocks0.9 blocks
PiglinHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
Piglin BruteHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
PillagerHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
Polar BearAnimal1.4 blocks1.4 blocks
Primed TNTOther0.98 blocks0.98 blocks
PufferfishWater Creature0.7 blocks0.7 blocks
RabbitAnimal0.4 blocks0.5 blocks
RavagerHostile1.95 blocks2.2 blocks
SalmonWater Creature0.7 blocks0.4 blocks
SheepAnimal0.9 blocks1.3 blocks
ShulkerMob1 blocks1 blocks
Shulker BulletProjectile0.3125 blocks0.3125 blocks
SilverfishHostile0.4 blocks0.3 blocks
SkeletonHostile0.6 blocks1.99 blocks
Skeleton HorseAnimal1.39648 blocks1.6 blocks
SlimeMob2.04 blocks2.04 blocks
Small FireballProjectile0.3125 blocks0.3125 blocks
Snow GolemMob0.7 blocks1.9 blocks
SnowballProjectile0.25 blocks0.25 blocks
Spectral ArrowProjectile0.5 blocks0.5 blocks
SpiderHostile1.4 blocks0.9 blocks
SquidWater Creature0.8 blocks0.8 blocks
StrayHostile0.6 blocks1.99 blocks
StriderAnimal0.9 blocks1.7 blocks
Thrown EggProjectile0.25 blocks0.25 blocks
Thrown Ender PearlProjectile0.25 blocks0.25 blocks
PotionProjectile0.25 blocks0.25 blocks
TridentProjectile0.5 blocks0.5 blocks
Trader LlamaAnimal0.9 blocks1.87 blocks
Tropical FishWater Creature0.5 blocks0.4 blocks
TurtleAnimal1.2 blocks0.4 blocks
VexHostile0.4 blocks0.8 blocks
VillagerPassive0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
VindicatorHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
Wandering TraderPassive0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
WitchHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
WitherHostile0.9 blocks3.5 blocks
Wither SkeletonHostile0.7 blocks2.4 blocks
Wither SkullProjectile0.3125 blocks0.3125 blocks
WolfAnimal0.6 blocks0.85 blocks
ZoglinHostile1.39648 blocks1.4 blocks
ZombieHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
Zombie HorseAnimal1.39648 blocks1.6 blocks
Zombie VillagerHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
Zombified PiglinHostile0.6 blocks1.95 blocks
PlayerPlayer0.6 blocks1.8 blocks
Fishing BobberProjectile0.25 blocks0.25 blocks